The Science of James Bond

Product Description
Contrary to the subtitle, this book does not actually discuss the science of either deadly bowler caps or boat jumps in 007’s fabulous films. It does, however, examine the plausibility of some of the more memorable elements of the Bond films, from space ships that stop on a dime to eat other space ships and secret bases hidden inside volcanoes to death by gold paint and the documented health benefits of using martinis as an anti-oxidant (Shaken, and not stirred, of course). Meticulously researched, the authors evaluate the science behind some of the most fantastic plot twists and gadgets to show how the James Bond films have either predicted or influenced technological advancements from aerospace tech to biological terrorism. The Science of James Bond is written with enough technical competence to be educational but with enough humor to make it easily comprehensible and thoroughly entertaining. Well worth the Sunday afternoon I spent reading it! Highly recommended for anyone who even secretly enjoys the exploits of 007. – Mr. Bosslady